How to select the power of an EKCO boiler?
The selection of an electric boiler of adequate capacity is a key element which determines the efficiency of the installation. An electric boiler must have sufficient power to heat a building of a given volume. At the same time, the power of the boiler should not be too high. A boiler that is not of the proper size can have a negative impact on your energy bills.
What influences the demand for thermal power?
The calculation of a building's heat demand requires an analysis of many factors. The most important of them are:
- the total heat transfer area of the building
- value of heat transfer coefficients through walls, windows, ceilings etc.
- the ventilation rate of the rooms
- the heat storage capacity of the building
This information helps to determine the amount of heat loss and enables the selection of an appropriate boiler power. The demand for thermal power depends on the type of building.
For newly built houses, the amount of heat loss should be described in the design. In older buildings, we can only use approximate values. It is assumed that in houses from the 80s/90s, the demand for thermal power is 90-110W/m2. In houses built from the end of the 90s, the demand is 50-70W/m2. This means that an 8-12kW electric boiler is enough for a well-insulated house with an area of 150m2. A properly selected boiler significantly reduces the cost of energy bills.
Selecting the power of an electric boiler
It is definitely worth spending a bit more time choosing a boiler with the right power. The installation of the device is an investment for many years. A properly selected boiler will optimise your energy bills and a device with adequate power is also a guarantee of comfort of use. The products tab includes the full range of EKCO electric boilers.