What kind of water heater to choose: hydraulic or electronic?
Instantaneous water heaters are one of the most economical devices used for the preparation of domestic hot water. The heaters only switch on and consume electricity when the tap is turned on (i.e., when water is flowing through the device). An unquestionable advantage of instantaneous water heaters is the fact that the devices allow for continuous hot water intake, unlimited by the capacity of the tank. In addition, water is available immediately after turning the tap on. The market offers water heaters with hydraulic or electronic controls. What is the difference between the various technologies? Find out in today's article!
Hydraulic control
Heaters with a so-called ‘hydraulic control switch’ on one or two power stages mechanically. The appropriate power level is activated depending on the amount of water flowing. At the same time, the devices are equipped with a switch that allows full power to be set or be limited (economy mode). This type of switching means that, in practice, the temperature of the water flowing out of the heater depends on the amount of water flowing in. Simply put: the more water, the lower the temperature.
Electronically controlled electric water heaters
Electronic heaters ensure a much more comfortable and economical operation. The control system enables smooth adjustment of the water temperature within the range of 30-60°C.
The use of a sensor to measure the water flow rate enables it to be switched on even at a low flow rate of 2.5l/min. This is especially important in installations with low water pressure.
Electronic heaters can warm up pre-heated water in cooperation with a domestic hot water tank, for example. The water temperature on the heater supply can be as high as 60°C in the KDE5 electronic LCD model and up to 70°C in the EPP-36 heater.
There is also a work priority switch in electronic heaters. It enables cooperation with other high-power appliances (e.g., electric central heating boiler) on a priority basis.
Why is it worth choosing a heater with electronic control?
Heaters with electronic control ensure more economical operation. For example, when using a washbasin, it is turned on with little power at a minimum flow. The power of the heater is precisely matched to the amount of water flowing. As a result, energy consumption can be up to 30% lower than with a hydraulic heater.
Kospel instantaneous water heaters
Kospel offers high-quality three-phase water heaters. Among the devices with electronic control, we may distinguish:
- KDE5 electronic LCD – a heater with three programmable temperatures equipped with an LCD display as well as a three-power function and an electric shock interlock
- EPP-36 Maximus – a high-power heater
The full range of Kospel electric instantaneous water heaters can be found in the products section. The manufacturer also offers high-quality heat exchangers, storage tanks, heat buffers and electric boilers.